We Provide Worldwide Charity Service
GLOBAL SIKH AID is an international and nonprofit organization striving for social justice and equality in terms of education, health, Rescue and relief against disaster and availability of food for survival and basic fundamental rights of human across the world. Global Sikh Aid organization primarily works for the upliftment the lives of vulnerable, marginalized and lowest strata of socio-economic pyramid communities through relevant access to health care, quality of education, life skill training, quick respond to humanitarian Disaster and provide food to stop hunger across the countries.

The best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something

Alia Olson
VOLUNTEERWhat Make Us Different

We Educate

We Help

We Build

We Donate
Years of

More then 345 000+
People Were Helped
- To provide sustainable living to under privileges women, children and youth.
- To increase educational opportunity for all across the world and to protect the human rights for equality and justice.
- To deliver all the cost effective and efficient health care services to promote good health.
- To protect the people against humanitarian disaster and provide them relief and rebuild their lives.
- To ensure the availability of food to the neediest people for survival around the globe.

Global Sikh Aid works world-wide to empower and enable the most vulnerable, marginalized and underprivileged people across the developing countries to ensure the equality and justice.